Friday, December 10, 2010

Gays For Palin

A knock out blow in defense of Sarah Palin, SmallgGay style!

Almost as Funny as Me!

Catching up with SmallgGay. I discuss some new ideas and paranoid fears as well as give my latest impressions of the Talk Radio gang including Michael Savage, Laura Ingraham, Glenn Beck and Tammy Bruce!

JEANNE EAGELS : The SmallgGay Review

 A socialist I know nearly redeemed her politics by giving me a much desired item on my Amazon Christmas wishlist. The Kim Novak Collection is a MUST. All the films are restored and gorgeous!
 The big hits included in the collection are PICNIC, BELL BOOK AND CANDLE and PAL JOEY. But the awesome surprise for me was JEANNE EAGELS  a 1950's precurser to the 1960's "Show Biz is Hell" genre made famous by VALLEY OF THE DOLLS. Kim Novak at her most beautiful plays 1920's Broadway and film star Jeanne Eagels- a woman "cursed with talent"- who's amazing acting ability and lust for fame lead her headstrong into booze, bad marriages, drugs and God knows what else! We see Jeanne rise from carney cooch dancer in Jeff Chandler's side show, to student of famous acting coach Agnes Moorhead, to arch foe to self-destructive pathetic former Broadway star Virginia Grey to inhumanly beautiful (and ruthlessly anti-union!) mega-star!
 I'd never seen Jeff Chandler in anything other than the pulpy camp Joan Crawford classic FEMALE ON THE BEACH and I was thrilled to finally see what the fuss was about- Chandler is gorgeous here and you can see why Kim can't quite forget her old carnival flame!

Agnes Moorhead is wonderfully haughty and pretentious as the dram coach and Virginia Grey is haunting and pathetic.

Critics at the time did not like Novak in the lead but she is perfect here and her performance like the film itself has aged beautifully and comes across as modern and exciting. It's impossible for the viewer to take his or her eyes off her. I don't think I'd ever seen Novak more beautiful which is saying something!
What can I say? I'm a sucker for old-fashioned melodrama and stories about good girls who go to the dogs in the glittering and sometimes nightmarish world of show business! How great to live in a time where we have access to films like this that have gone forgotten for years. It will be interesting comparing JEANNE EAGELS to the similar "performer in peril" THE BLACK SWAN opening soon. Something tells me Kim Novak's stunning picture will last longer.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Once Upon a Time

This is one of my all time meanest and funniest vlogs. I hit those arrogant and hypocritical Obamabots with my pick-up truck, then I back up and run over their legs and then I back up and run over their heads. Lots of laffs! ;)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Yap Dogs

Here I discuss Buster Crabbe's heavily processed hair in Flash Gordon, the rotten triple gorgons- Griffin, Bernhard and Cho, the mind-numbng predictability of The New York Times and the left in general.

For Margaret Cho

Sunday, December 5, 2010

It's the Single Issues Stupid.

Reading AMERICA BY HEART by Sarah Palin, I was struck by a passage in the first chapter:

"I've noticed that more and more have made defending our founding principles a main part of their mission. Americans who believe in the sanctity of life and advocate for the unborn, for example, no longer simply call themselves 'pro-life'. Now they're 'pro-life and pro-Constitution'. Folks who care about the environment aren't 'pro-conservation' anymore. Now they're 'pro-conservation and pro-Constitution'. And those Americans clinging to their guns? They're not just 'pro-Second Ammendment'. They're 'pro' the whole darn thing."

I thought this was a fascinating observation. I've been coming at the Tea Party from a gay/Libertarian point of view. My Constitutional Conservative awakening comes from that perspective. GO Proud and company have been calling for the Tea Party to steer clear of "social issues" and stay focused on fiscal Conservatism as a mean of maintaining unity and numbers.

But Palin is showing us the view from the other side and they are experiencing the exact same thing.

It suddenly dawned on me after reading Palin's observation that this is NOT about giving up "social issues". The Tea Party was not a success because it gave up social issues- it was a success because it gave up single issues. Millions of Americans of all social view points are now focused on the big picture- returning this country to it's Constitutional Conservative Foundation.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


I am soooo over DADT. I'm sick of gays couching this as gays in the military. Gays have been able to serve the country legally since Clinton. This is about being able to be open gay activists in the military and I know these people- overturning DADT will just be the beginning. These people want to and will argue endlessly about everything imaginable.

I agree with Laura Ingraham- this MUST be openly debated and not rushed through a lame duck Congress. This will cause a massive uproar if it does and rightfully so.

Nor am I impressed with Scott Brown going along with this- indeed I'd be surprised if he didn't. Brown seems to be a rubber stamp for John Kerry. He's turned into the RINO poster boy- not his first time as a pin-up either. He's the Republican Christine Gillibrand.

Bradley Manning's case is so symptomatic of the DADT debate. The guy got all pissy and hissy and downloaded top secret docs because he was angry at the military denying him HIS rights. NOTHING else mattered- indeed nothing else matters to the Che gays but their ever shifting whims and demands for love and attention.

Check out Ann Coulter's piece this week on the subject.

The homocons are being pretty quiet about this but I think this is symptomatic of the single issue self-serving politic that Americans are sick of and we have bigger problems now facing us.

Sarah Palin's Alaska: The SmallgGay Review

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

AIDS Happens

Thoughts on World AIDS Day from a homocon perspective.

For Your Gays

I answer two of the most common questions gays ask me: How do I deal with the Religious Right and what do the Conservatives have to offer me that the Democrats don't?