Sunday, December 5, 2010

It's the Single Issues Stupid.

Reading AMERICA BY HEART by Sarah Palin, I was struck by a passage in the first chapter:

"I've noticed that more and more have made defending our founding principles a main part of their mission. Americans who believe in the sanctity of life and advocate for the unborn, for example, no longer simply call themselves 'pro-life'. Now they're 'pro-life and pro-Constitution'. Folks who care about the environment aren't 'pro-conservation' anymore. Now they're 'pro-conservation and pro-Constitution'. And those Americans clinging to their guns? They're not just 'pro-Second Ammendment'. They're 'pro' the whole darn thing."

I thought this was a fascinating observation. I've been coming at the Tea Party from a gay/Libertarian point of view. My Constitutional Conservative awakening comes from that perspective. GO Proud and company have been calling for the Tea Party to steer clear of "social issues" and stay focused on fiscal Conservatism as a mean of maintaining unity and numbers.

But Palin is showing us the view from the other side and they are experiencing the exact same thing.

It suddenly dawned on me after reading Palin's observation that this is NOT about giving up "social issues". The Tea Party was not a success because it gave up social issues- it was a success because it gave up single issues. Millions of Americans of all social view points are now focused on the big picture- returning this country to it's Constitutional Conservative Foundation.

1 comment:

  1. Right on. If we all do not have individual freedom, it won't matter what we want. Our choice is gone.
