Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Message to Gay Youth Everywhere

I am so disgusted with the gay left foisting victimhood on a new generation to distract us all from their complicity with the upholding of DADT and DOMA.

Gay kids need empowerment not victimhood. If gay teens feel vulnerable, I would rather community centers teach self-defense classes. Older gays need to arm themselves if they feel at risk not just take their knocks until they can emotionally blackmail the majority into demanding a police state.

Gun training is needed in the gay and lesbian scene! And if you have issues with guns, there are stun guns, tasers- a world of new high tech defensive weapons- all legal!

When I was a teen, gays were despised by everyone- especially the editorial staff of the New York Times who would only refer to us as "homosexuals". We had something bigger to worry about in those days than someone saying something mean that would damage our fragile self esteem. We had AIDS breaking out and the hysteria that went with it and yet most of my generation luckily survived and those that didn't went down fighting.

Here's something the gay left won't tell gay teens but I will: "WE ALL HAVE OUR CROSS TO BEAR". Get out of yourself and don't let the gay left convince you that there is something wrong or different about you. You are not special- and that means you are normal and just as good as the rest of the buttheads out there. So get out there and kick serious ass and if you feel bad for others- do something real like charity work and leave the leftism to the rich bastards.

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