Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

Soooo excited to be part of the new "vast right-wing conspiracy" that is keeping Bristol Palin on Dancing With the Stars! The Left couldn't even get it together to keep Leftist icon and brilliant terpsichorian Kurt on the show this week! HOW will they be able to rellect Obama?

Apparently Bristol is not deserving of staying on the show- a show that club footed favorite Donny Osmond won based souly on fan votes just a few years ago. Considering that this week's loser was of equal or lesser ability to Bristol and the fact that we in "Operation Bristol" are following the rules fair and square- (here's a hint on how the conspiracy works- we tweet the night of voting "Vote Bristol!")- and are honestly voting for our favorite dancer who we adore- I can only come to the conclusion that this is Palin Derangement Syndrome in all it's glory yet again!

The reality of a Palin Presidency looms large and it's being fought on the dance floor!

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