Friday, November 19, 2010

Toward a Gay Tea Party Identity

What an exciting time to be a homocon! Gone are the days of uptight sweater queens tut-tutting over leather men in gay narcissism parades. Indeed today's homocon seems to be especially hard to pin down! Where are we going? What exactly is the new homocon identity?

Homocons tend to be independent conservatives and with good reason. Both extremes- left and right want to either enslave or cure us. Today's homocon has more in common with the Tea Party and it's "Don't Tread on Me" attitude! We're not looking to government for help but we sure as hell don't want government controling our lives or in our bedrooms either.

I still see a lot of political correctness in the homocons but that will change too. Many are still obsessed with the government helping them achieve "freedom" when we already have it. Many still rationalize their conservatism through a lens of gender identity, feminism and political correctness. But this is changing as the ACT UP generation comes of age and reclaims traditional conservatism with it's still radical ideal of self empowerment and God given equality by virtue of our being born in the greatest nation the world has ever known.

In fact this is in large part why there may never be a "Gay Tea Party Identity" if we're lucky, but rather Americans who happen to be gay living their lives on their terms and not letting others set the debate, decide on what our issues are or define our lives.

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